UAE Visa Mistakes - Mistakes to avoid for visa UAE
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Top 10 Most Common UAE Visa Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) offers an exciting chance for tourism, employment, and business opportunities. However, navigating the UAE visa process can be challenging if you don’t understand the requirements. Even small mistakes in your visa application can lead to significant delays or outright rejection.

To help you successfully obtain a UAE visa, this article will highlight the 10 most common mistakes visa applicants make and provide tips to avoid them. Whether you’re applying for a tourist visa, a residence permit, or a work permit, this guide will help ensure your UAE visa application goes smoothly.

Mistake #1: Not Checking Your Passport’s Validity

One of the first things the immigration department checks is whether your passport is valid for the duration of your stay in the UAE. Many applications get rejected because the passport expires in less than 6 months from the date of entry.

Always check your passport’s expiry date before applying for your UAE visa. If your passport is expiring soon, renew it well in advance. UAE visas require your passport to be valid for a minimum of 6 months from the date you enter the country.

Mistake #2: Not Having the Right Documents

Each UAE visa type requires specific documentation to be submitted along with the application form. Failing to provide the correct documents leads to automatic rejection.

For employment visas, you need your employment contract, educational qualifications, trade license of your sponsoring company, and other proof of eligibility. Tourist visa applicants must provide hotel bookings, flight itineraries, bank statements and sponsorship documents if applicable.

Carefully go through the list of required documents for your visa type and ensure you have all of them ready before applying. Missing even one document can jeopardize your application.

Mistake #3: Errors in the Application Form

Filling out the visa application form inaccurately is another common mistake. Wrong or inconsistent information regarding your personal details, employment status, contact information, and other details often lead to rejection.

Double and triple check the information you enter in the form to ensure there are no errors or typos. Verify that your name, birthdate, contact information, and other details exactly match your passport and other documents. Pay close attention when entering dates to ensure no discrepancies.

Mistake #4: Incorrect Photo Specifications

The UAE has strict requirements when it comes to visa photos. The photos must have a white background with the subject taking up 70-80% of the frame. It should show your full face with a neutral expression. Glasses are not permitted except for medical reasons.

Failure to follow the precise photo specifications results in rejection. Get your visa photos done professionally at an authorized center to avoid mistakes. They will ensure the picture meets all the requirements.

Mistake #5: Not Having a Valid Health Insurance

Having health insurance coverage is mandatory for all UAE residence visa holders. The policy must be valid in the UAE and cover you for the entire duration of your stay in the country.

Don’t make the error of assuming your existing insurance from home will work in the UAE. Purchase an appropriate UAE health insurance plan before you apply for your visa. Include the insurance documents as part of your application.

Mistake #6: Wrong Entry Date

Tourist and employment visa applicants must specify their intended date of entry to the UAE. Problems arise if you enter a date different than what you actually travel on.

Double check your airline ticket and confirm the exact travel dates before mentioning the entry date in your visa application. If your travel plans change after submitting the application, promptly contact the immigration authorities and request to modify the entry date accordingly.

Mistake #7: Assuming You Can Get a Visa on Arrival

Although the UAE offers visas on arrival for certain nationalities, others require applying in advance. Don’t mistakenly assume you can get a visa on arrival unless you have specifically verified eligibility for it.

UAE visa on arrival

If you are a passport holder from certain countries like Andorra, Australia, Brunei, Canada, China, etc., no advance visa arrangements are required to visit the UAE. You can obtain a visa on arrival at Dubai International Airport. The visa validity and duration of stay varies based on your nationality.

30-day visit eligibility

If you are a passport holder from countries like the United States, United Kingdom, Singapore, or Japan, your passport will be stamped with a 30-day visit visa free of charge upon arrival.

90-day visit eligibility

If you are a passport holder from countries such as Germany, France, Italy, or Brazil, your passport will be stamped with a multiple entry 90-day visit visa upon arrival. This visa is valid for 6 months from the date of issue, and allows a total stay of 90 days.

180-day visit eligibility

If you hold a Mexican passport, you’re eligible for a multiple entry 180-day visit visa upon arrival. This is valid for 6 months from the date of issue, and allows a stay of 180 days total.


By being aware of these common UAE visa mistakes, you can ensure your application is accurate and avoid run-ins with the immigration department. Pay close attention to passport validity, documents, entry dates, insurance, banned professions, and other key factors. 

Planning ahead and double-checking everything is crucial. However, the process can be straightforward by working with a professional visa services provider like Zara Business Services.

Zara Business Services specializes in UAE visas, enabling you to avoid common pitfalls and quickly get approved. We offer guidance on the right visa type for your needs whether it’s a family visa, retirement visa, student visa, freelancer visa, property owner visa, or medical treatment visa.

Our experts know the ins and outs of UAE immigration rules and procedures. We double-check your application, ensure all documentation is accurate, and follow up with authorities on your behalf at every stage. This gives you complete peace of mind.

Don’t risk rejection or delays – get your UAE visa hassle-free with Zara Business Services. Our personalized approach and attention to detail provides smooth visa approval so you can focus on what matters. Contact us today to get started on your visa application.

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